Monday, April 23, 2012

Lata Renyut

Have you heard about this place? Lata Renyut is one of the famous place in Jeli. Located at Kampung Renyut it is very easy to go there using your motorbike or your car. About 15 minutes from the town.
You may also take public transportation like bus from Jeli's town to Kg Renyut. But the bus only will drops you at the main road. Then you needs to walk about 2 kilometers to reach at the location. Little bit tired right? Just do some exercise..Ahaa

Lata Renyut has a very nice view and very fresh air, very very cold water. See the double 'very'? which means it is really cold, like the ice maybe. Do love taking a bath and swimming around there and you'll feels like heavenly! and do take some precautions as the stones there are bit slippery.

Nothing more to say, just go there to feel the excitement

For you information, the Lata Renyut also be the the favourite place for the new bridegroom to snap their picture.
A makcik is fishing
These the only pictures I have. Next time I'll upload  more, better than these for sure.

Gunung Reng, Batu Melintang

Another unique place in Jeli is Gunung Reng. It's located at Kampung Gunong, Batu Melintang. Behind this unique place there is also a unique story about the cave.

Legends and myths about the cave have been stated on the board of Tourism Malaysia in front of the Gunung Reng’ entrance. It has been said that, a long time ago the place governed by Cik Siti Wan Kembang. The location became famous because of the rooster gambling (laga ayam). Because of the villagers are too busy to commit the sin, Allah s.w.t punished them by dropping a huge stone, so called the cave. People believe that stone originated from Perak. Inside the stone there are the forms of animal like elephant, horses etc.

The cave also have the unique structure of stalactites and stalagmites which are look like anthropoid living and things. The fact is, certain rock formations, granite / limestone mountain are the same as found in Gua Musang.

For more info, you can drop by at the place to explore by yourself. By taken the route from Jeli to Gerik you also will see the view of the cave from far away.

Picture: credit to